No plucking or force feeding of live geese. Only mulesign- free wool from sheep.
Animals should be treated with respect. When animals are involved in our production methods, we ensure that they are taken up and treated ethically and that no animal is injured or subjected to suffering due to negligent treatment. All animals should be treated in accordance with the national animal welfare legislation.

The Mountain Horse Animal Welfare Approach is described in our Code of Conduct, which all our suppliers must sign. Here is a brief summary of our promises:

Down and feathers may only come from strictly controlled suppliers where the down is a by-product of the food production. Down and feathers coming from suppliers who apply live picking or forced feeding are not tolerated or used by Mountain Horse.

All garments with down and feather insulation must be provided with a certificate that the down and feathers have been harvested under correct conditions. We only accept down and feathers approved by RDS (Responsible down standard) or IDF.

Mountain Horse has a strong ethical position against the use of real fur. Our products must always contain "fake fur".

The wool used in Mountain Horse products may not come from sheep who have been subjected to mulesing or from breeders who perform mulesing. We only buy wool from suppliers who can guarantee mulesing free wool.



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